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'La Belle Vie' translates to 'the good life' and is all about filling your cup full with the pleasures of living. Combining the classic Provencal duo of Rose Geranium and Lavender with a little Bergamot, Rosemary and Pine to create an energy signature that makes you feel free of worries, happy of heart and contented in life. 


Set a blanket of beautiful aromatics inspired by the landscapes of Provence in the glorious south of France. This blend is reminiscent of meadows, gardens and forests and presents you with the idea that 'all is well'.


Use this in your diffuser or vapouriser to instil calming frequencies in your living or work spaces. Apply it as a perfume oil to the wrists and between the breasts so your body heat will allow the scent to radiate from you.


  • Creates feelings of freedom & contentment
  • Herbaceous citrus with sweet musk wood
  • Promotes contentment in mind, body and spirit
  • Calming and balancing.
  • Suitable for direct topical application. 
  • Uplifting, Anti-depressant, Antibacterial, Calming, Deodorant, Nervine (calms nervous system), Cicatrisant (forms scar tissue), Vulnerary (wound healing), Tonic.




Choose the 3 Blends Set and receive Rescue, Panacea and LaBelleVie for only $25 each. Saving $15! You'll be absolutley 'set' with this Set ;)

Rescue for all the things it can do.

Panacea for everything else (open wounds and sores in particular) and La Belle Vie for when you need to zone out and have something floral, herbaceous and beautiful to enjoy. Rescue and LaBelleVie can be used as a 'his & hers' deo duo. Versatile Aromatherapy, in three little vials.

LA BELLE VIE Aromablend | Floral-Herbal

PriceFrom $11.00