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Manual 3 deals with the more complex theory and principles of Flying Stars Feng Shui. 

Flying Stars can be intimidating until a more ‘holistic view’ makes itself available to you.
In Module 3 we discuss the aspects of Form, Purpose and Activity in relation to beginning an Assessment. The true magic of Feng Shui to me is this confluence of information from the visual, the academic and spiritual perspectives, that offer the Practitioner a way of viewing a property or building in a special way. 

I hope you move through the modules smoothly. My approach is one gathered from the varying tutors and influences that have come my way as a student of this study, and a Practitioner doing audits or Assessments for a variety of buildings, properties, people, businesses, and reasons. 

Modules 1 – 3 in Study At Home were developed in response to my knowledge requirements at the time, being a new Practitioner and wishing that I’d had a collated resource to dip in and out of, that contained aspects of the learning I had absorbed. I know that my students found these textbooks valuable to progress their understanding and integration of the vast quantity of knowledge that is Flying Stars Feng Shui. There is so much to know and the learning will be perpetual, but you can benefit from having an easy to read, easy to follow and easy to action resource at your fingertips. That is what I intended the course to be.

Follow up your three module course with the field guide ‘Building Harmony’, the short course ‘How to use The Five Elements with Flying Stars Feng Shui’ and the yearly publication ‘The Annual Influenced Guide’ to stay up to date with the current energy frequencies we are interacting with on a yearly and monthly basis.

I wish you all the best with your Feng Shui studies!



Module 3 - Advanced Charting and Interpreting Combinations